7 Fun Places to Take Toddlers!

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Sometimes as a stay at home mom to a toddler, you have to get out of the house to stay sane. But where should you go? Here are 7 fun places to take toddlers.

You need interaction with adults and to break up what can become monotonous with your toddler at home.

Because of that, having a list of places to take toddlers throughout the week is helpful.

It’s good to get out of the house most days, but that can add up in cost if you aren’t careful. That’s why this list is mostly free and low cost options.

Fun Places to Take Toddlers

1. Library

It’s not just for books. The library is also a great place to check out movies, music, audio books, and magazines.

Ask your library about any free programs that may be available. Most libraries offer weekly classes for toddlers and preschoolers. Try out a few and find one that you and your kids enjoy.

Also, you could spend a morning at the library just hanging out in the children’s section and not even going to a class.

The libraries in the cities I’ve lived in have computer games, coloring pages, puppets, motor skill games, and more.

You could spend at least an hour reading and playing at most children’s libraries.

2. Pet Store or Specialty Store

If your child loves animals, the pet store is a great place to wander around and look at all of the animals. You could also make the visit educational by talking to your kids about how the fish breath or why the gerbil has chubby cheeks.

There are other specialty stores you could go to just to look around. If you live near a Cabela’s or Bass Pro Shop, those are a lot of fun to look at the fish and stuffed animals and specialty equipment like boats.

3. Join a Moms Group

A really poplar faith based moms group is MOPS. I have attended these groups in the past, and it’s always a lot of fun as well as encouraging.

Plus, you don’t have to worry about dirty diapers or preparing snacks for a couple of hours!

Even if you don’t join an organized group, you can always start one with a few friends. Just set a date once a month to get together.

It could be super casual. Whoever makes it, great, but they can always meet up the next month too.

Sometimes it simply means taking the first step and asking another mom to meet up. Then she asks another and you have a good size group. That’s on of my favorite tips for making mom friends.

4. Plan an Outdoor Activity

Depending on the weather, there are so many activities for outside.

  • picnic lunch in the back yard or at the park
  • feed the ducks at a nearby pond
  • go on a scavenger hunt around the neighborhood
  • sidewalk chalk
  • throw or kick a ball
  • go for a walk with the kids in the stroller or a wagon
  • visit a park with a walking trail

5. Go to an Indoor Play Area

Indoor play areas are great for little ones to run around and play especially when the weather isn’t the best for being outside. These are great for meeting a friend too.

Most of the time the kids are occupied so you can get some good adult conversation in. 

  • Chick-Fil-A
  • McDonalds
  • The Mall

You could go early, get drinks, and let the kids play to keep it low cost. If cost isn’t a problem, plan to buy lunch while you are there.

Of course, it is always fun to take your kids to indoor parks that do cost money. These are great places to burn off energy at least every once in awhile.

6. Museums

You might be surprised how many museums are local to you and how many may even be free or low cost!

Of course, your toddler isn’t reading the plaques and understanding it all, but they will still experience new things.

You could even use it as a learning experience by pointing out colors and shapes or letters and numbers.

7. Get a special treat

Sometimes you can go out and get something special like frozen yogurt or ice cream. We like to get donuts one morning every few months.

You could let your toddler pick out a craft or craft supplies at the Dollar Tree and come home and make it.

Your toddler could earn these treats or if you only do them every once in awhile, they could just be spur of the moment fun.

If you don’t know where to start, pick one or two of these places and pick a day this week to try them out.

Being stuck at home can easily lead to feeling lonely and bored as a stay at home mom. Plus, you’ll often feel like you have to entertain your toddler, but if you get out of the house, you won’t have to entertain.

Intentionally plan for these activities by including them in your daily schedule, and have fun with your toddler!

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